Here at focus@work we provide those personal management, team management, and productivity technology services we believe will help you move closer to greater capacity in your professional life, and the lives of the people with whom you work.
We provide virtual or in-person, individual and group personal management, team management, and/or productivity technology coaching with a wide variety of packages.
We provide professional organizing, to include digital and paper filing management (from purging and system development to digitizing and shredding), workspace flow and clutter assessments (with your company or organization’s brand message in mind), and, working with interior architects and designers we help you implement office space and physical/digital systems redesigns to create optimal workspace flow.
Seminars & Webinars
We hold occasional 1 to 1.5-hour public seminars and Webinars (live and recorded Web-based presentations) on topics related to productivity, organization, productivity software and hardware, and related topics.
If you interested, Ray Sidney-Smith opens his calendar to a select number of invitations to speak at private business, group, association, organization, and conference events on business management, Web-Social Media-Mobile marketing, productivity and/or technology topics.
Workshop Training
Like our public seminars and Webinars, focus@work hosts occasional workshops to learn productivity methodologies and techniques with productivity software (GTD+Evernote, GTD+OmniFocus, GTD+G Suite, Covey+Office 365, CYD+Outlook, etc.), and then begin to implement or practice them live together.
focus@work workshop trainers can tailor a custom program for your company, organization or team. We’re happy to come to your office and provide bespoke training on productivity systems and the productivity software you current use.
If you’re interested in any of our services, please contact us and we’ll set up a time to speak with Ray Sidney-Smith to discuss how we can help your company gain greater focus at work.